Sunday, December 19, 2010

An expert in online marketing

Do you know Mr. Murray Ambler-Shattock? He is an expert in online marketing. He is very creative, punctual and trustworthy man. I have worked with him and he makes me very happy! His work is great! I recommend Mr. Murray Ambler-Shattock to you if you need assistance in online marketing.

Gifts for my uncle

My uncle loves wine. He also likes to collect wines in addition to be enjoying it as a beverage. I got a dinner invitation from him at the end of this year and today I have prepared two bottles of wine complete with their personalized wine labels as my uncle gifts. I bought these wines from my friend who also likes to collect wine. I am sure, my uncle will be very happy with these gifts!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Myte Associates Management Consultants

If you need a consultant to provide input on your business development, you can contact Myte Associates Management Consultants. They provide full service for business owners ranging from small scale, medium to large scale. They are very reliable and proven to help the development of many business field and the business owners.

Top Rated Colleges in USA

My brother will graduate from high school next year. He plans to continue studying in USA. He always updates information about the Top Rated Colleges in USA through the Internet since now. He wants to study in a college with a good reputation so he can learn the most there.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Basketball Team

I joined in the school basketball team since last year. My basketball team is very compact! We make the same uniform and dog tags specially ordered from containing our names and our basketball team logos. We always wear our uniform and dog tags at practice or while competing basketball because we are proud to be one team! ^_*

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I Love Beezmap



I found a new online community on Beezmap. Beezmap is a multi-media SOCIAL CONTENT site. I can create online collages, avatar and wardrobe, communities and blogs, and feel free to add media such as mp3, video and image there. I can also share my creation from this site to my favorite social sites such as Facebook and MySpace. Yeah, that’s really cool! And I love it so much! ^_*